World Super League aims to become a place where gamers, traders and fantasy football managers will gather to compete and try to get huge rewards! You can build your roster with the players you’ve always dreamed about and compete with users from all over the world, to climb the ranking and obtain the highest prizes!
WSL - Assets

- A coach is needed to deploy a line-up
- Modules are also needed to set up your formation
- Bonus cards are special items that have some specific conditions which, if met, will increase your total score
WSL - Marketplace
In World Super League you can join numerous competitions choosing the formation of your dream!
In order to successfully deploy a formation you must select 22 items:
- 1 coach
- 1 module
- 11 starting players
- 4 players on the bench
- 5 bonus cards

Starting players will get a score based on their real performances during the matchday of that competition, on top of that they can get a bonus/malus for some specific events.
Here’s the list:
- + 3 for each goal scored
- + 1 for each assist served
- - 0,5 and - 1 respectively for yellow and red cards
- - 3 for each penalty failed
- + 3 for each penalty saved
- - 1 for each goal taken (from the goalkeeper)
- - 1 for each own goal scored
(You can find more details in 1.5 Substitutions).
You must deploy the lineups for every match, according to the countdown shown in the gaming platform.
The coach gives a +3 bonus to your total score in case the team shown on the card wins, no malus will be applied in case of draw/loss.
The module determines which specific roles you can deploy in your lineup.
(You can find more details in 1.4 Modules)
Bonus cards are really important in World Super League, you must choose 5 for each match and, if their specific condition is met, they will give a further bonus to your total score.
(You can find more details in 2.2 Extra Cards)
A really important aspect of WSL rules: every card has a specific salary/weight. Players have salary and other cards have weight, the total salary/weight of your deployed lineup cannot exceed the salary cap of WSL, which is 400 for the Beta.
Leagues and cups will have a ranking based on the sum of all the scores obtained by the cards you deployed during the leagues/cups matchdays.
Note: bonus cards will trigger only for the starters. If your starting goalkeeper won’t play, then your backup won’t activate any bonus cards (such as Wall and Flying GK).
Another important aspect to consider is that the module card you choose will determine which specific roles you can deploy.
Different modules have different weights, see the list below.
20 = 343, 433, 442
15 = 3412, 3421, 4312, 4231
10 = 352, 3511, 4141, 4411
Before digging into the different modules, we should keep an eye on WSL roles, every player has at least one and maximum three roles. This is the list of each role available on WSL:
GK: Goalkeeper
CB: Center Back
RB: Right Back
LB: Left Back
WM: Wide Midfielder
CDM: Center Defensive Midfielder
CM: Center Midfielder
CAM: Center Attacking Midfielder
W: Wing
CF: Center Forward
ST: Striker
As said before, every module will determine which specific roles you can deploy, see the picture below:

In case one or more of your starters won’t play that turn, or won’t get a score for any reasons, they will be replaced by picking the most suitable backup among those you deployed on the bench. The maximum number of allowed substitutions it’s the same of the players allowed on the bench (4).
The Goalkeeper is a unique role, because he can only be replaced by another GK, and if you deploy more than one on the bench the system will automatically pick the first you did choose.
For every other role the system will look into your bench trying to find a perfect substitute, so a player who has the very same role, and in case there’s no one available, it will try to replace him with another player depending on the module.
In our Marketplace you can buy and sell all the various game assets, through auctions and direct sales.
You can trade cards using the two in-game currencies of World Super League: Noku and Credits. There's a minimum listing price for WSL cards, which depends on their type/overall, as shown in this tab:
Please note: the staff of World Super League strictly prohibits any kind of manipulation activities, being them about the market or the in-game currencies. Moving Noku or Credits from one account to another through suspicious operations might lead to a permanent ban.
If you're struggling to sell a weak/common card you can also discard it and get some Credits back. The amount of Credits will depend on the type/overall, as shown in this tab:
Football is a team sport: you'll need various elements to get the results you wish for. The strength of your roster will depend on all the possible combinations you can do with the various types of cards you own.

White cards
White cards are similar to the gold ones, with the huge difference that their use is limited: they will disappear after being used!White cards are similar to the gold ones, with the huge difference that their use is limited: they will disappear after being used!

Gold cards
Standard cards for WSL: you will own them forever unlike the white ones! Use your Gold cards to build your best formation and compete in tournaments!

Black cards
The rarest cards of WSL: they can give a bonus and deploying them has a lower impact on the formation's cap.

Green cards
Fusion cards: merge two combinable green cards to obtain a SUPER CARD

Blue cards
These powerful cards have a higher overall and a lower weight compared to the GOLD version.
The overall is increased by 4 points, the weight is reduced by 50% for goalkeepers, 40% for defenders and midfielders and 35% for attackers.

Purple cards
These cards celebrate the best players of the season.
Compared to the GOLD version, their Overall is increased by 5 points, the weight is reduced by 50% for goalkeepers and defenders, 40% for midfielders, and 35% for forwards.
Other than classic bonus/malus outlined in the 1.2 section, in World Super League it’s possible to add 5 extra bonus cards to each formation to improve your game experience.
Choose your Bonus cards wisely according to your formation, triggering them you might obtain enough points to climb the ladder!
















CHEMISTRY specific




Cups are special competitions with amazing prizes, they may have different rules and criteria that must be met to join, for example the “WSL Cup” can be played by deploying only footballers who are playing in the World Championship.
For the open Beta there will be four different packs:
5 Extra cards (1 module, 1 coach, 3 bonus)
6 Players (chances to find black and green cards)
6 Players (chances to find black and green cards)
12 Items, players + bonus (chances to find black and green cards)
12 Items from the top European teams, players + bonus (chances to find black and green cards)
A full set of 26 cards with everything you need to play WSL
A full set of 26 cards (from the ENG-1 championship) with everything you need to play WSL
A full set of 26 cards (from the ITA-1 championship) with everything you need to play WSL
A full set of 26 cards (from the ESP-1 championship) with everything you need to play WSL